1. What types of material do you read
during your free time? (Check all that apply)
___ Newspapers
___ Magazines
___ Fiction
___ Nonfiction
___ Internet articles/news
___ Twitter
___ Facebook
___ Other: _____________________________
2. How much free time
do you spend reading for enjoyment per week?
___ Less than an hour ___1-2
hours ___ 3-4
hours ___
5 hours or more
3. What language do
you primarily read in? _______________________
4. How many books
have you read this year?
___ 1-3
___ 4-6
___ 7 or more
___ None
6. Did you enjoy
reading as a child or was it challenging?
Yes ___
7. What was the first
book you remember reading? ___________________________
8. What, if anything, has frustrated you about reading in the past?
9. What reading strategy benefits you most? (Circle One)
Reading aloud Silent reading Both
10. What type of material would you like to read more of in school?
11. What can teachers do to make reading more interesting?
8. What, if anything, has frustrated you about reading in the past?
9. What reading strategy benefits you most? (Circle One)
Reading aloud Silent reading Both
10. What type of material would you like to read more of in school?
11. What can teachers do to make reading more interesting?
Reflection: The thing that jumped out at me the most was how little reading my students do in their free time. Many students checked the box that said "Less than an hour" spent reading for enjoyment per week. Many students also checked "None" for the question about how many books they read this year. I'm not quite sure how to apply this information in my class yet but it is clear that I need to find a way to get my students more interested in reading. I might try using more magazine articles and writing that is digestible in small doses. The more current the material, the more interesting it might be for my students. There will definitely need to be some experimentation involved to find out how to engage them more as readers.
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